
Tree Surveys and Inspections

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Land and tree owners owe a legal duty of care to ensure that reasonable steps are taken to manage risks associated with the trees in their ownership. Many trees are also protected by Tree Preservation orders, or other legal constraints, and a formal report may be expected by the Local Planning Authority prior to any proposed remedial work.
Trees also confer many benefits to individual and society as well as to other living organisms. It is therefore necessary to balance risk from trees with their values and not incur unnecessary ecological and financial cost.
Adam Riedi is a trained and licensed user of the Quantified Tree Risk Assessment (QTRA) system. This system applies established risk management principles to tree safety management. Using QTRA, together with the Visual tree assessment system (VTA), we can identify risks from trees and specify and prioritise remedial work in a pro-active and defensible way.
We can create formal tree management reports and site maps and plans using data gathered with all-weather PDA computers and GPS systems.
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Laetiporus sulphureus (Chicken of the woods) wood decay fungi. A cause of brittle failure in trees
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WHAT THE SURVEYOR SEES; An example of the tree as a living, dynamic organism. Using VTA method we can see that helical cracks have developed (within red area) but the tree has sensed the potential weakness and responded with compensatory growth. The helical crack was caused by an imbalanced crown and the wind twisting the tree anti-clockwise (black arrow)
For more information on our consultation services, call Adam Riedi on
07866 479 416

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